Liver Golden Grass – Yang Gan Cao
Liver Golden Grass, also known as Yang Gan Cao, is a traditional herb.
Liver Golden Grass typically appears as finely cut or shredded dried herbs. It features slender, golden-brown stalks that exude a natural, earthy aroma. The herb’s delicate, fibrous texture makes it easy to brew in teas or infuse into various herbal remedies.
Usage of  Golden Grass
Liver Golden Grass is typically brewed into a tea or used as part of herbal formulations. To prepare a simple tea, steep a few grams of the dried herb in hot water for 10–15 minutes. It can also be combined with other herbs to enhance its effects and flavor profile.
Directions: Add meat or bones when stewing with the herb, or boil it directly in water for tea. Use 2 bundles for 4 people, or 3 bundles for 6 people.